Thursday, May 17, 2012

Un-American Blog

I have to say being un-American is not following the laws of America. There are laws for the citizens and even visitors/tourists that we have to obey. An American is taught from youth to follow the laws America has made and are forced to follow them by law. To be American doesn't have any types of beliefs because it's made with many different types of beliefs. There were many religions and beliefs that didn't start in America. It is difficult to define what un-American is because different people have many different opinions on what un-American is. Americans get to decide what un-American is, since they're American. So who gets to decide what’s American & what's un-American? We the people get to decide what's un-American is because we have the right to have freedom of speech, so we have the right to say what's un-American and what not.
Thank you very much.
The End :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Jacob Riis

From what I see in this picture is a bunch of men living in a crowded room. They are staying in a place that is not in good condition to be staying in and not safe as well. Freak that, that’s not even a room that a kitchen withal them pots and pans. Everything and everyone is piled up against other things and each other….  All of these men look so uncomfortable & depressed. These men look’s so tired from working so hard trying to support their self. And all they have is a blanket to cover them self up in & keep warm...

I also see a lot of pots and pans, but do they even have any food to eat? From the looks of it, it doesn't look like they eaten for days. This condition is not good for them and their health. I wish I could help them , if I could I would .

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The conditions workers in China face currently with those of workers in America at the turn of the century

Immigrants had a hard time living up to their dreams and meeting their expectations in America. Asian immigrants had trouble finding  jobs because they didn't understand our language and culture. Because they couldn't get a job, they couldn't find a home . It was hard for them to adjust to life in a large city.   Immigrants were willing to work long hours with low wages because they needed to earn enough money for their family for food and shelter.  Chinese immigrants worked as laborers and suffered from racial hatred. They were unskilled, inexperienced workers.